Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ode to the "Big Mouths"

Well if any of you know me, you may know that I sometimes have a tendency to have a slighty extended vocabulary when it comes to certain issues. I honestly don't want to come across as if I know it all or have it all together because that would be a complete fallacy, but at any rate it happens and I'm guilty as charged for always having an opinion on some things. I was reading in the word tonight and low and behold there was a 'Word from the Lord' just for me.(It's for everyone but you get the drift.)

I'm currently reading Proverbs. Today's reading was Proverbs 15-19. Proverbs is a book written by Solomon to his son about wisdom, righteous living, good vs. bad and about having a healthy fear of Yahweh (God). To some this would mean that the words in Proverbs are not promises from God but suggestive life patterns from the King Solomon. In my opinion, there is much to gain from these points from the king, mainly because this knowledge or any knowledge from one of God's agents comes directly from Him. This would only stand however, if you hold to the conviction that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant word of God, which I do. At any rate things were going good until I got these few verses, "Whoever restrains his words has knowledge,
and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent." Prov 17:27-28 (ESV) OUCH!!!

This is good advice. Think about it. Some people always have something to say, about everything. They seem to be an expert at everything. And they appear to have a sociological scholarship towards all cultures, theologies, educations and careers.
They always have an opinion. However, I learned that knowledge comes from having restraint. Our culture doesn't handle restraint very well, and can we even formulate the words 'I don't know.' For me, I just need to shut up, be quiet and listen. I got two things from this passage tonight. 1.) I need to learn to have restraint, and 2.) Be cool. It really does say "be cool". "And he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding." I like being cool. I don't think that I was ever cool growing up. It's good to see that God gives me the "cool" spirit, or the ability to discipline myself to have a 'cool spirit.' It even goes further to say, "even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is counted prudent (or intelligent)."

So all my fellow "Big Mouth" men and women, lets try to be a little more restrained and cool. Maybe more people will like us. Or more importantly, we'll bring the Father glory by actually going into a situation sober minded enough to listen, analyze and then respond or don't respond at all. Then people can think we're wise. Amen to that.

May God grant us wisdom through humility, (Proverbs 15:33b)

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