Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Living a christian life is one of unexplainable joy and an unmistakeable awareness of one's sin. The crazy thing about living for Jesus is that the moment you fall into old ways and old habits its very apparent to you. It's funny because it is almost like an out of body experience. The little lie you tell, leads to the covering up of that lie until other more subtle sins lead up to compromising your faith and walk with things or pleasures that you gave up knowing that they don't satisfy. I really think that the stagnant impotence of the church today is from unrepentent and unmistakeble sin that has left us barely breathing as Christians. The power of the Holy Spirit to sustain our life is in overdrive because of our lack to use that same power to abstain and not just be sustained. We are committing suicide, by suffocating ourselves and all Christ asks when we except him is to breathe in him. This world has nothing for me, yet it is pretty distracting nothingness. My career, my status, my life, and my stuff always distract me from the life that Christ would have me recieve in Him. And unfortunately some of those distractions are good things. But they are misplaced trophies, and not the end all of all. There are many Christian brothers and sisters barely alive, because they continue to run after a life that was crucified. We are trying to revive a dead carcass and all the while choking the life out of our current life. I just want to love my Jesus, a fraction of how much he loves me,and just breathe.

May I truly Be In Christ Alone,

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