God is truly allowing me to hear from him lately and it is such a sobering feeling with all that seems to be occurring in my life. I recently picked up a copy of "Knowing God," by J I Packer and it is a very intriguing look at the life of the person who aspires to know God. I say aspire, because it is a endless journey (yet a good one) to have a desire to "know God." This task should be the livelihood of every Christian. And it's not just about knowledge of God. Because to know God is to be drawn to him in his majesty and his glory. It also involves the experience of God. There is no other place we should rather be than obtaining a understanding of God. Time has no value, and food loses its taste apart from knowing him.
Often since I started this reading God has been invading my sleep. Last night he spoke and the verse came to my mind, "God is not a man that he should lie, nor the son of man that he should change his mind. Does he speak and not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?" This verse is located in Numbers and it is an explanation of the character of the one we serve. He is indebted in faithfulness to his people. Not because of us, but because of his word to us. God promises. God fulfills. I am so glad I know him. I don't completely understand his will, but his character is sure and I can trust him. I look to HIM.